Over the last several months, I've been contemplating as I'm sure many brothers do from time to time, the reason our members lose interest in attending our local Lodge meetings. I've recently had the opportunity to visit with a number of the members of several different Lodges from the surrounding area. There seems to be a general consensus among those members that there just isn't anything interesting enough going on at those meetings to make them get off the couch, get dressed up and brave the world outside the comforts of home, especially following a hard day at work.
One brother I spoke to early last week, stated he had been raised in the mid 1960's in another state, and hadn't attended a lodge meeting in over 15 years. When I asked him to tell me why he had never visited one of the many lodges in the Black Hills, he could only say that he didn't really have a reason. He just seemed to lose interest after a while, and didn't see a need to show up just to listen to someone read the minutes of the previous meeting, and then shake a few hands and go home. We continued to visit for some 40 minutes or so and discussed all the usual reasons that some brothers have become Masons, and why some complete one or two degrees and then disappear. I believe there are as many various reasons for this as there are lost candidates or brothers.
Perhaps one of the problems lies in a lack of attention some give to the important task of making the new candidate or newly raised brother feel like a part of the group. None of us is perfect, and there are always things we could do better. If we have done our job properly, and have truly done a proper investigation on the candidate, we should know something about him, his career, family, hobbies, leisure time activities, etc. Perhaps when we agree to sign a candidate's petition, we don't really take the time to find out why he wishes to join our fraternity. On a number of occasions, I have been asked to sign a petition for a candidate who knows only that he needs to be a Mason to be accepted into the Shrine and the potential Masonic Candidate knows almost nothing about Masonry. This is when we should be willing to set down and visit with the candidate and attempt to share with him, our own knowledge of our fraternity. Only after we are sure that the candidate is informed and is able to make a commitment to the tenets of our fraternity, should we be willing to add our name to his petition.
Once a brother is raised, the important work should begin. If the new brother is given the opportunity to not only attend our meetings, but to stay in contact with a knowledgeable brother who is willing to become a source for information and a source for answers to his questions, he will then perhaps begin to feel like he is an important member of the Lodge. Some brethren have suggested the best way to retain a new member is to put him right to work and give him a responsibility. This idea may have some merit, but perhaps it is just as important to make him feel comfortable in the Lodge, invite him to attend our meetings and to set with a knowledgeable brother who can explain the procedures which take place during a meeting. In this way, the new brother is given an opportunity to experience the meeting and thereby become more comfortable in his new surroundings. Eventually, the new brother will begin to feel like an equal among the brethren, and will hopefully begin to express his interest in assisting in the Lodge.
Maintaining a brother's interest in attending our meetings is equally important. If a Lodge can work together to plan and complete special projects, visit other Lodges as a group, become involved in community affairs and activities, and find new things that excite it's members, perhaps then will that Lodge be able to count on the continued attendance and participation of all it's members. Mt. Rushmore Lodge #220 is trying to turn that corner this year. With the creation this year by our Worshipful Master Ben Kirkland, of a new reading program for Rapid City's elementary school aged children, we have an opportunity to do good things in our community. This program, combined with the SDChip program, is giving us a new opportunity to increase the community's awareness of the good and positive tenets which we subscribe to. With the recent input of the members of the Lodge over our last two meetings, Mt. Rushmore #220 is attempting to re-awaken itself. I for one, have felt the new excitement and exuberance which seems to have been present at our recent meetings, and I would ask every local member of this Lodge, to attend our next meeting. Come see and feel for yourselves, the renewal we are attempting to generate. As we continue through the 55th year since receiving our Charter, we have new hope, new ideas and a renewed interest in this great fraternity. I leave you with my simple wish, that you will join us and help us make Mt. Rushmore #220, a great place to belong. Our next meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 12th at the Rapid City Masonic Center, 618 Kansas City Street.
Lee A. Mai, PM
Your Humble Secretary
One brother I spoke to early last week, stated he had been raised in the mid 1960's in another state, and hadn't attended a lodge meeting in over 15 years. When I asked him to tell me why he had never visited one of the many lodges in the Black Hills, he could only say that he didn't really have a reason. He just seemed to lose interest after a while, and didn't see a need to show up just to listen to someone read the minutes of the previous meeting, and then shake a few hands and go home. We continued to visit for some 40 minutes or so and discussed all the usual reasons that some brothers have become Masons, and why some complete one or two degrees and then disappear. I believe there are as many various reasons for this as there are lost candidates or brothers.
Perhaps one of the problems lies in a lack of attention some give to the important task of making the new candidate or newly raised brother feel like a part of the group. None of us is perfect, and there are always things we could do better. If we have done our job properly, and have truly done a proper investigation on the candidate, we should know something about him, his career, family, hobbies, leisure time activities, etc. Perhaps when we agree to sign a candidate's petition, we don't really take the time to find out why he wishes to join our fraternity. On a number of occasions, I have been asked to sign a petition for a candidate who knows only that he needs to be a Mason to be accepted into the Shrine and the potential Masonic Candidate knows almost nothing about Masonry. This is when we should be willing to set down and visit with the candidate and attempt to share with him, our own knowledge of our fraternity. Only after we are sure that the candidate is informed and is able to make a commitment to the tenets of our fraternity, should we be willing to add our name to his petition.
Once a brother is raised, the important work should begin. If the new brother is given the opportunity to not only attend our meetings, but to stay in contact with a knowledgeable brother who is willing to become a source for information and a source for answers to his questions, he will then perhaps begin to feel like he is an important member of the Lodge. Some brethren have suggested the best way to retain a new member is to put him right to work and give him a responsibility. This idea may have some merit, but perhaps it is just as important to make him feel comfortable in the Lodge, invite him to attend our meetings and to set with a knowledgeable brother who can explain the procedures which take place during a meeting. In this way, the new brother is given an opportunity to experience the meeting and thereby become more comfortable in his new surroundings. Eventually, the new brother will begin to feel like an equal among the brethren, and will hopefully begin to express his interest in assisting in the Lodge.
Maintaining a brother's interest in attending our meetings is equally important. If a Lodge can work together to plan and complete special projects, visit other Lodges as a group, become involved in community affairs and activities, and find new things that excite it's members, perhaps then will that Lodge be able to count on the continued attendance and participation of all it's members. Mt. Rushmore Lodge #220 is trying to turn that corner this year. With the creation this year by our Worshipful Master Ben Kirkland, of a new reading program for Rapid City's elementary school aged children, we have an opportunity to do good things in our community. This program, combined with the SDChip program, is giving us a new opportunity to increase the community's awareness of the good and positive tenets which we subscribe to. With the recent input of the members of the Lodge over our last two meetings, Mt. Rushmore #220 is attempting to re-awaken itself. I for one, have felt the new excitement and exuberance which seems to have been present at our recent meetings, and I would ask every local member of this Lodge, to attend our next meeting. Come see and feel for yourselves, the renewal we are attempting to generate. As we continue through the 55th year since receiving our Charter, we have new hope, new ideas and a renewed interest in this great fraternity. I leave you with my simple wish, that you will join us and help us make Mt. Rushmore #220, a great place to belong. Our next meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 12th at the Rapid City Masonic Center, 618 Kansas City Street.
Lee A. Mai, PM
Your Humble Secretary
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